Gender Wealth Parity

Multicultural Community Family Services

Through technical assistance, CCA's assists women and underserved populations to reimagine and build enterprises and socioeconomic-impact ecosystems that increase their equity stakes in the broader economy; arguably, a pivotal gender wealth gap or parity issue.

Ms. Portia Gray-Kamara (MSW) is our best example. After working as social worker for the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for many years, she came to us in 2003 for help to form a social services nonprofit, aimed at addressing socioeconomic needs of immigrants in Upper Darby township (PA) . Upon completing a 90-day need assessment and determining this was a fit, we assisted Portia form the Multicultural Community Family Services, including writing a business plan, completing regulatory paperwork and providing fiscal sponsorship. From a one-person operation in 2003, Multicultural is now a go to social services entity with more than sixty employees and $2.2 millions annual revenue - with programs in education & job readiness, behavioral support services, home healthcare and community outreach. Her reach in Delaware county has evolved and spanned across the economic, social and general human services.